Detailed Aconcagua climb video documentary

I had two objectives for my Aconcagua Expedition. Firstly to reach the summit and secondly to produce the coolest and most comprehensive Aconcagua climb video documentary on YouTube. I wanted to show unexperienced people like me in the most detailed way what awaits them on the mountain.

TheΒ  audience on YouTube describes my video as very informative and entertaining. I am glad to hear ti because it took me three months to produce the movie after the expedition . This is by far the most sophisticated video production I ever did.

1 min trailer:

I have watched tons of YouTube videos prior the expedition. Most of them are disappointing and show the same: the first days, the base camp, the breaks during the ascent and the summit.

My Aconcagua climb video documentary shows the hardest parts of the expedition and many details

In my movie I show how the hard parts of the ascent look like. I have tried to film and speak while climbing in order to present and authentic picture of the effort involved. I documented every day whereas the summit day is the longest and most detailed section.

During the expedition I have recorded lots of data like altitudes, duration of the segments, the temperatures and even my heartbeat. I have integrated all the data in my documentary.

The movie is a FullHD production. I used a GoPro Hero4 as main camera plus my iPhone 6S. In addition I have used footage captured by my six fellows – this makes eight used cameras in total. It has been important to my to have a good audio quality – despite the windy and rough Aconcagua environment. I have came up with a solution which worked. In some of the scenes you can see a gray “hamster” attached to my jacked. This is the wireless microphone and how my fellows called it. Check the detailed product name in my Aconcagua gear list I plan to reveal more details about the used gear in a separate article later. In case you have urgent questions please put them a s a comment below I will try to respond quickly.

Aconcagua Climb Video Documentary - most detailed on YouTube - 43mins
My most comprehensive Aconcagua climb video on YouTube (43 mins)

4 Replies to “Detailed Aconcagua climb video documentary”

  1. Congratulations! Wonderful video and very detailed information! Can you share more information about the tour organizer and the guides? I would really appreciate it!


    1. Thank you very much for your kind feedback!
      You can find the name of the local Company from Mendoza and the manes of the Guides right here at the beginning of the video πŸ™‚

      People say (also in the YouTube comments) of my video that they are also other good local companies.
      INKA is one of the biggest and they serve many international customers. If you go there please say hello from “YouTube Peter” to Julieta in the office πŸ™‚

  2. Hello Peter!

    Thanks for your detailed description of the gear, and also for the documentary, it has been really helpful!
    I just wanted to know if, when you came into Argentina, did you have any problem with customs due to the cost of your bagage? I mean, did you have any problem for carrying your cameras and high altitude gear? Thank you so much for all your help.

    1. Many thanks for your kind feedback. I am always happy, when it helps others.

      I had no problems at all at the customs – during the high season they see a lot of equipment πŸ™‚ I arrived beginning of January.
      Also no problems in high altitude with the gear. I had only light GoPro and iPhone. I tried to keep it warm and took it with all batteries inside sleeping back during the nights.

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